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An account of the 'artistic fire-proof cottage' designed by James Garry in 1890.

A transcription of the relevant paragraph follows. The surrounding pages give extra background information.

The formal opening of the expanded metal works took place on
18 June 1890 and was well attended by local industrialists,
representatives of the first elected West Hartlepool Town Council
and others. Among the products exhibited at the works was an
'artistic fire-proof cottage' incorporating expanded metal
lathing coated with fire-proof cement manufactured by Robinsons
of Carlisle, and it was announced that Christopher Furness
intended to erect a 'fire-proof shooting box' at Cundall Manor
in Yorkshire consisting of these materials. This, it was stated,
would comprise 'drawing-room, dining-room, billiard-room,
kitchen, sculleries, eight bedrooms and bathroom' and would be
erected within three months. It had been designed by the West
Hartlepool architect James Garry (1850-1918) who was present
at the opening in his capacity as a town councillor. A variety
of products designed for the agricultural and horticultural
markets were also exhibited, including tree-boxes, nursery
fenders, fencing and hurdles, 'which are marvellous combinations
of beauty and stability'. The importance of these markets was
reflected in the firm's marketing strategy; initially, it was
announced, the company intended its products at the
principal agricultural shows around the country.

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